Jumat, 24 Desember 2010

Redsn0w Untethered Jailbreak (Backup Plan) for iOS 4.2.1 Will Be Released On Christmas ! [Confirmed]

I know that most of your are waiting eagerly for the untethered jailbreak solution on iOS 4.2.1 for new-generation iOS devices. As most of you know, the iPhone Dev Team already has the backup plan to achieve iOS 4.2.1 untethered jailbreak for Christmas Eve.

Just a few minutes ago, the iPhone Dev Team has confirmed the release of untethered iOS 4.2.1 jailbreak for the Christmas Eve and asking for Mac OS X owners to help them with testing the the backup plan.
Over the Christmas weekend we�ll be releasing a version of redsn0w that implements the �backup plan� to the 4.2.1 untethered jailbreak. We�re seeking your help to test this redsn0w and find any bugs before we do a general release!

(If you have an iPhone 3G, or an old-bootrom ipt2g or iPhone 3GS, you already have an untethered jailbreak! Just use the latest public redsn0w.)

To keep things manageable, this will be a Mac-only test program. We also request that any volunteers *NOT* need the ultrasn0w unlock (in case things go very wrong).

Right now, the �backup plan� requires that you have the 4.2b3 IPSW on your Mac, and that Cydia has your 4.2b3 SHSH hashes. Please don�t pirate that 4.2b3 IPSW! (We�re also working on a way that this technique might apply to all those with 4.1 IPSWs, but that�s not the first goal right now.)
To survive in this, you must be a Mac owner, got iOS 4.2 beta 3 SHSH blobs on your Mac or that Cydia has your 4.2b3 SHSH hashes that was automatically saved (in the status bar), and have a new-generation iOS device (i.e. iPhone 4, 3GS, iPad, iPod 4G, 3G).

If you fit all the above qualifications, so you can follow @ redsn0w_tester on Twitter and give the Dev-Team a comment in this post to get the backup plan right now ! Let us know how does it go with you. Also stay tuned for a Christmas launch for public.

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