Senin, 05 April 2010

iPad is Faster than iPhone 3GS on benchmark test

from benchmark test shows that ipad faster than iphone 3gs,The Apple iPad is now available to general public in U.S. and initial tests by developers suggest that it is faster than the iPhone 3GS. Craig Hockenberry, Developer of Twitterrific Twitter App, published benchmarks comparing performance of iPad (iPhone OS 3.2) with iPhone 3GS (iPhone OS 3.0). This means we can see faster and graphics rich applications for the iPad. Large apps like game apps would load faster and the entire experience is zippy.iPad benchmark test
Hockenberry tested performance of iPhone OS 3.2 for iPad with iPhone 3GS device running iPhone OS 3.0 version. His results indicated that the iPad is as twice as fast as iPhone 3GS when it comes to running native applications based on Cocoa Touch; all thanks to the new Apple A4 System-on-Chip used in the iPad. As per AnandTech's tests, the Apple A4 System-on-Chip does help the tablet to run faster than Qualcomm's Snapdragon chip clocked at 1GHz. Anand tested the iPad with Snapdragon based Google Nexus One phone and found out significant (10 to 30 percent) performance improvement in initial testing.

Jon Stokes of Ars Technica pointed out last month that Apple A4 runs at 1GHz clock speed which is similar to that of Snapdragon. The Apple A4 processor is build on Cortex A8 generation ARM processor core and has three layers of silicon circuitry stacked one on top of other. These three layers include microprocessor core and two memory modules (DRAM). The higher DRAM boosts the performance of the iPad.

David Carey, vice president of technical intelligence at UBM technologists, told The Wall Street Journal that the DRAMs used in the iPad read and write data in 64-bit chunks, one potential reason why reviewers have called the iPad "surprisingly fast".

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