Jumat, 21 Mei 2010

Windows 7 Resource Monitor Shortcut

Windows 7 Resource Monitor

The Windows 7 Resource Monitor has a number of improvements over the Vista version. Whatever your previous experience, Resmon provides a quick
and easy way to troubleshoot unresponsive programs and bottlenecks.
how to create short cut for this Windows 7 Resource Monitor ?
it is simple .

Nifty Shortcut for Windows 7 Resource Monitor
Windows 7 Resource Monitor Shortcut

If you like shortcuts, then you can use perfmon with the resmon switch -res

%windir%\system32\perfmon.exe -res
%windir%\system32\perfmon.exe /res

Summary of Windows 7 Resource Monitoring

Firstly, decide which tool is the best for your task, Resource Monitor to display statistics quickly, or perfmon to record data over time. For troubleshooting problems such as unresponsive programs: click on resmon's CPU tab, then in the Image column, right-click the name of the executable that you want to analyze, and then click: Analyze Wait Chain.

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