Kamis, 12 Agustus 2010

LIbretto W100 Specification

Dual-Screen Versatility on libretto W100

The new libretto� W100 ultra adaptable PC multiplies your possibilities by alms bifold 7� askew multi-touch screens that assignment angular or vertically�perfect for ebooks or adequate movies, music and photos. It additionally offers accessible navigation, forth with altered basic keyboards additional a �soft� clue pad that let you type, bang and browse the way you want.

Breakthrough Portability

Weighing in at beneath two pounds, the abiding clamshell architecture of the libretto� PC makes alike the lightest laptops assume heavy. Engineered for the ultimate in accustomed abundance and handheld performance, it�s able with a ample solid accompaniment drive for autumn and administration your files, forth with music, photos and clips. And it�s encased in a atramentous brownish finish.

Wireless Freedom

Carry the libretto� W100 PC and you�re done with wires. Wireless-N puts you in blow from any hotspot. A congenital webcam empowers you to babble contiguous all over the place. And chip Bluetooth� v2.1 lets you lose the cords back application headphones, speakers or a mouse.

Seamless Synchronization

This PC absolutely plays able-bodied with others. Driven by Windows� 7, it lets you calmly share, beck and accord your files and multimedia through your home arrangement or cloud. It additionally comes with a USB anchorage and congenital anamnesis clairvoyant so you can alteration being to and from alien adamantine drives and added accepted gear.

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