Kamis, 12 Agustus 2010

Station Toshiba dynadock V USB Docking

New feature from Toshiba laptops can set you free in so many ways�on the move or at a desk, thanks to our dynadock� family of universal docking stations.
Station  Toshiba dynadock V USB Docking
Make your laptop mobile again. dynadock� expands your possibilities by giving you the ability to take full advantage of your laptop by plugging in all of your gear. dynadock� allows you to stay completely mobile by disconnecting one simple cable, or even wirelessly with our dynadock wireless U.
Station  Toshiba dynadock V USB Docking

� Increase productivity and multi-tasking
� Add a full-sized HD monitor, keyboard, mouse, printer or external hard drive to tear through proposals, spreadsheets and side-by-side documents
� Scale up your fun with a big HD display, an array of surround sound speakers, or external storage for holding all your multimedia
� Plug in and charge your smart phone, MP3 player and other portable devices, with or without your laptop using Toshiba�s exclusive Sleep and Charge USB ports on the docking station.

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