Senin, 17 Januari 2011

Apple to Merge iTunes and Safari in One App

Three Guys and a Podcast claiming that Apple is going to merge its iTunes app into its Safari browser by this year, so we may got a new application for both, browsing the web and running media.

Apple may be preparing a massive move that will propel Safari from niche browser to market leader. The move to merge Safari and iTunes into one software solution appears long in the works, which may arrive this fall at Apple's usual iPod special event.

According to the report, one reason for the push is to boost Safari's market share among Internet browsers, where Apple has yet to crack the 5% mark. Tying iTunes into Safari, it is argued, would likely bring a significant boost to the company's share of the browser market as consumers turn to the integrated environment.

It is believed that Safari will be the only browser able to access iTunes, as iTunes is built into the browser itself. "Moving iTunes organizational side-bar into Safari isn't a monumental task" claimed a source, adding "Safari would skyrocket in use as a result of integrating the software titles together."

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