Senin, 17 Januari 2011

BlackBerry Torch 9800 Special Price With HSBC at SentraPonsel Outlets

BlackBerry Torch 9800 Special Price With HSBC at SentraPonsel Outlets

The following are SentraPonsel Outlets that offers special promo price of BlackBerry Torch 9800 with HSBC Credit Card.
1. SP Cibubur Junction
2. SP Cilegon
3. SP Lippo Karawaci
5. SP Retail Cempaka Mas
6. SP Cempaka Mas 2
7. SP Jembatan Niaga
8. SP WTC Serpong
9. SP TPM-Taman Palem
10. SP Ambasador
11. SP Blok M Plaza
12. SP PHJ-Permata Hijau
13. SP Roxy Bawah
14. SP Roxy Atas
15. SP Semanggi
16. SP Bogor Trade Mall
17. SP Retail Depok Town Square
18. SP CBN-Cibinong
19. SP ITC Depok
20. SP Retail Mega Bekasi
21. SP Metropolitan Mall Bekasi
22. SP Retail Cililitan
23. SP RPP-Plaza Pondok Gede 2
24. SP Tamini
25. Semarang
26. WTC Surabaya 1
27. Bandung Electronic Centre

BlackBerry Torch 9800 gets special price Rp5,899,000 and 0% installments for 6 monts with HSBC Credit Card.
The promo is valid up to January 31.
- Period Program up to January 31, 2011
- Program BlackBerry Torch plus 0% Installment with HSBC Bank for 6 months
- Special for HSBC Bank credit card users
- BlackBerry Torch Rp.5,899,000, - + 0% of HSBC Bank Tenor 6 Months
- Unable to Gifts
- Terms and conditions may apply

tag: Kredit BlackBerry Torch 9800, BlackBerry Torch 9800 Price, BlackBerry Torch 9800 HSBC, BlackBerry Torch 9800 SentraPonsel Outlet, Harga Ponsel, Harga Handphone, Harga BlackBerry Torch 9800

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