Selasa, 29 Maret 2011

Robofix HD v1.4 *UPDATED* iPad

Robofix is a game where you help a robot to solve its mission by fixing its program.
- more than 100 levels on 12 planets, 20 special HD levels
- 4 play speeds available
- well designed missions with increasing difficulty
- use the booster, freeze gun and sonic wave wisely
- stunning graphics
- additional random puzzle generator at level 999

about the game:
Earth send a robot into space to explore other planets. The robot is designed to collect as much data as possible and return to Earth. As space is a hostile environment the robot can repair itself, if the necessary raw materials are available. Sophisticated programs, designed by the biggest brains on Earth, have been developed to guide the robot on its journey. Unfortunately these programs have become garbled on the travel through space by a solar burst. The robot managed to establish a connection to your device through a spare backup line. Now it is all on you - you need to fix these programs to help the robot to find its way. Earth depends on you!

Good luck!

What's new in Version 1.4
- magic assistant to help you with the puzzles
- Spanish language support

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